Protection of Cell Phone Radiation
To Protect Yourself From Cell phone Radiations
According to the World
Bank three quarters of people on the planet use a cell phone. How many of those
people are aware of the dangers and know what to do about them I wonder?
Very few of them I would
Dangers Of Cell Phone Radiation
phones emit a form of electromagnetic field called radio frequency (RF)
radiation or microwave radiation. This
radiation is emitted by your cell phone when you talk, text, stream videos or
music and even when it’s standby.
decades we have been told by our governments, the companies selling these
devices, the medical establishment and many so-called experts that this
radiation is perfectly harmless.
argument usually goes something like this:
‘because of the low
frequencies involved this radiation does not have sufficient energy to cause a
heating effect and therefore can’t harm you’.
This is simply not true. The adverse effects on our biology are
well documented but little known.
phone radiation has the ability to cause great harm.
of studies link cell phone radiation exposures to a long list of adverse
biological effects, including:
- DNA single and double
strand breaks
- disruption of cell
- increased blood brain
barrier permeability
- disruption to brain
glucose metabolism
- generation of stress
A Congressional
Staff Briefing back in 2001 revealed that there are adverse biological effects to EMFs at levels 76000 times lower than the safety
The Bio
Initiative Report 2012 references over 1,800 new studies showing adverse
biological effects from low-level EMF exposures.
Symptoms Of
Cell Phone Radiation
people feel symptoms when they use a cell phone. Common symptoms include:
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Tinnitus
- A hot head
- Prickly skin
- Fatigue
it’s not because you can’t feel symptoms that these exposures are not impacting
your health. Studies
show that these effects are cumulative and that they work over the long term.
Your Cell Phone a Half Hour per Day Increases Your Risk of Brain Tumor By 40%
In the
face of the mounting evidence, in 2011 the World Health Organization (WHO)
finally took a position on the issue and classified cell phone radiation as a
possible 2B carcinogen. A growing number of experts believe this
classification does not sufficiently protect the public and that cell phone
radiation should be classified as a ‘probable carcinogen’.
peer-reviewed studies now link cell phone radiation to a long list of serious
illnesses – including cancer.
largest study of cell phone use and tumor risk conducted to date found that
“Regular use of a
cell phone by adults can significantly increase the risk of gliomas by 40% with
1640 hours or more of use.”
In other
words, 30 minutes per day of cell phone use over ten years equates to a
significantly increased risk of cancer.
Tips To Protect Yourself From Cell Phone Radiation
are my 12 tips to minimize your
exposure to radiation when using a cell phone.
1. Don’t allow children to use a cell phone for calling.
is at the top of my list because it’s so important.
Children should only use a cell phone for dire
are not ‘small versions’ of adults, multiple studies indicate that children
are particularly vulnerable to the effects of cell phone radiation (de
Salles 2006; Gandhi 1996; Kang 2002; Wang 2003; Wiart 2008).
2. Limit
calls to those that are absolutely necessary.
the length of these calls to an absolute minimum. Scientific research has
identified a dose-response relationship between the time you spend on your cell
phone and the risk of disease – the longer you spend on your phone the higher
your risk of disease. These exposures are regarded as cumulative.
3. Avoid
telephoning with your cell phone next to your ear.
If you
do put your cell phone next to you ear wait until your correspondent has picked
up the communication. Cell phones (2G particularly) are known to communicates
at full power when connecting to a number. Hold your phone away from your body
until you’ve finished dialing and put it to your ear when your correspondent
receiving an incoming call give yourself a second or two before putting the
phone next to your head once you’ve accepted the call.
4. Avoid
carrying your cell phone directly on your body.
on standby your cell phone communicates at full
power with the nearest cell phone tower regularly (typically
several times a second) to ensure it has the best signal possible. If you’re in
a poor signal area, it may transmit every 30 seconds to try and get a better
signal. If you do have to keep your cell phone next to your body keep it away
from your major organs.
when your cell phone is switched off it may still be emitting radiation. Many
cell phones now have GPS incorporated which periodically transmit to update
their position, even
when switched off. Flight mode or airplane mode is a safer
alternative, but better to avoid carrying your phone on your body.
5. Only
use your cell phone in conditions of optimum reception.
Use it
outside or near a window as much as possible. Avoid using it in a basement, underground
station, elevator etc.
no industry standard on the meaning of the signal bars on cellphones but you’re
best advised to only telephone when all the
signal bars are showing. Some phones can ramp up their emissions 1000-fold in areas
where the signal is poor. This means that for each signal bar that is missing
your exposure increases several hundred times.
6. Don’t
use your telephone when in a moving vehicle.
might be in a bus, train, car etc. In a moving vehicle the cell phone antenna is
constantly scanning for contact and therefore operating at increased signal
strength, hence radiation emissions are increased. According to Lloyd Morgan of
the Environmental Health Trust:
“GSM phones go to
max power every time it connects to the next cell; 3rd generation (UMTS)
and 4th generation (LTE) do not change radiated power as they move from cell to
7. Don’t
use your cell phone in a parked car.
you consider sticking your head in a microwave oven when it’s turned on? I
don’t think so. Using your cell phone in a car works on the same principle as a
microwave oven. In both cases they are metallic enclosures where RF radiation
is magnified.
The RF
radiation from your cell phone reflected back by the cars metallic structure
magnifies the radiation. It’s called the Faraday cage effect. This radiation from your phone
bounces round your car and is absorbed by your body at a higher level than
would otherwise be.
8. Use an
air tube headset when possible.
As a rule of thumb, signal
strength falls off in proportion to the square of the distance to the source.
So if you double the distance to the source (the cell phone to your head) your
potential exposure would be four times less, since two squared is four. Airtube
headsets are the safest way of increasing this distance. They are comprised of
a part-wired cable and part air tube. This air tube component converts the
electrical signal into harmless airwaves. An airtube type hands free kit can reduce
radiation significantly as can a cell phone radiation protection case and
it is much safer than bluetooth.
phone mode is another option. This enables you to hold the phone away from your
body when you use it. The downside is that it makes the battery work harder
thereby increasing magnetic radiation levels. If you don’t have an airtube,
speakerphone mode offers a “lesser of two evils” solution.
9. Never
sleep with a cell phone switched on at night beside your bed.
even bring the cell phone into the bedroom. 

Studies show that cell phone radiation and
other electromagnetic field (EMF) exposures at night can interrupt sleep cycles
and contribute to a host of ailments like: irritation of allergies, heart palpitations,
muscle pain and weakness, and daytime irritability. These exposures can impede
the function of the immune system, reduce the production of melatonin and other
hormones and have serious long-term adverse consequences.
10. Avoid
using your cell phone if you are feeling in any way run down.
radiation can make you feel even more tired and weaken your organism further.
The elderly and pregnant women should be heavily discouraged from using a cell
phone, the embryo and fetus is not conducive to microwave radiation. If you
have a metallic appendage in or around your head such as teeth fillings, metal
screws and plates, jewelry and metal framed glasses you may be particularly
11. Don’t
make the mistake of thinking a low SAR cell phone is a safe cell phone.
SAR means
Specific Absorption Rate which is a measure of microwave radiation absorbed by
human body tissue from using a cell phone. Its good to know what the SAR is of
your cell phone but do not make the mistake of thinking a low SAR cell phone is
a safe cell phone. A “high SAR phone” can be very efficient and normally
work at low power, where as a “low SAR phone” can be inefficient and normally
have to work at high power.
Prefer text messaging to making calls with your cell phone.
also exposes your body to radiation but it limits the duration of exposure and
the proximity to the body. Hold your cell phone away from your body when you
press ‘send’.
texting is not without its dangers a 2016 study has revealed that text
messaging with smartphones can trigger a new type of brain rhythm.
13. Go
easy on the apps.
extra tip for good measure – minimize the number of apps running and disable
any background services that are not absolutely necessary. Disabling “mobile
services”/“data network mode” makes your smartphone operate more like a
conventional cell phone. So when your smart phone is activated in wireless mode
you can still be reached but you avoid unnecessary radiation from background data
A word
about streaming. If watching a movie or listening to music on your cell phone,
download it, then turn on airplane mode before watching the movie or listening
to the music.
If you
find you are developing a sensitivity despite taking all these precautions,
protective paints, veils and nets may be able to offer you some relief but
ultimately you are best advised to stop using a cell phone.
Neutralizing Chips and Diodes Work?
and more people are seduced into buying EMF protection chips, cell phone
radiation protection stickers, harmonizers and diodes. The manufacturers claim
these EMF protection products nullify or neutralize the effects of EMF exposure
when you stick them on your cell phone. Beware, many of these companies have paid
to have research done to support their claims.
they can be dangerous. A number of electrically sensitive people have contacted
me reporting an initial improvement when using these devices only to find that
their symptoms have deteriorated some time afterwards.
The Best Cell Phone Radiation Protection?
tips laid out on this page represent what I consider to be the best form of
cell phone radiation protection. But dealing with EMFs in your life means much
more than just cell phone radiation protection.
term, a rounded holistic approach to EMF protection is the only approach that
works. Let me share with you my vision for healthy living in our
electromagnetic world. Make sure you’re signed up to my
for this article include:
absorption in the human head and neck for mobile telephones at 835 and 1900
MHz, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (Volume:44
, Issue:10) O. P. Gandhi ; Dept. of Electr. Eng., Utah Univ., Salt Lake
City, UT, USA ; G. Lazzi ; C. M. Furse
absorption in the head of adults and children due to mobile phone operation
close to the head, Electromagn Biol Med. 2006;25(4):349-60. de Salles AA1,
Bulla G, Rodriguez CE.
Absorb Higher Doses of Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation From Mobile
Phones Than Adults, IEEE Access (Volume:3) Robert D. Morris ;
Health Trust,
Teton Village, WY, USA ; L. Lloyd Morgan ; Devra Davis
processing during smartphone text messaging, Epilepsy & Behavior (2016).
DOI: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2016.03.018
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