New Enhancement in Google Andoid Studio 3.0
New Enhancement in Google Android
Studio 3.0
Google's development suite for
mobile apps adds Kotlin, improves Java 8 and other build and debug tools, and
supports Instant Apps.
Google’s Android Studio 3.0 IDE adds support for the Kotlin
language as a mechanism for building Android applications, as well as
better Java 8 support and enhancements to its build system and debugging.
Where to download
Android Studio 3.0
Studio 3.0 supports Kotlin for development
Kotlin interoperates with existing Android languages and runtimes.
Developers can add Kotlin to a project using the conversion tool found in the
Android Studio IDE via the menu sequence Code > Convert Java File to Kotlin
File. Developers can also create a Kotlin-enabled using the New Project Wizard.
Other new features
in Android Studio 3.0
Besides Kotlin support, Android Studio 3.0 offers these new
Improved support of Java
8 language features via migration to the
tool chain. The Jack
tool chain is being deprecated. The latest Android
Gradle build system plugin enables use of Java 8 features in
developers’ code and libraries
A breaking API change in the Android Gradle plugin improves
scalability and build times. Depending on APIs provided by the previous Gradle
plugin, developers are advised to validate compatibility with the new plugin
and migrate to new APIs.
For smaller and faster updates, the Maven repository is used by
default instead of the Android SDK Manager for finding updates to dependencies
in Android Support Library, Google Play Services, and Firebase Maven.
A suite of tools, named Android Profiler, have been added to debug
performance problems. Android Profiler replaces Android Monitor.
The Adaptive Icon Wizard creates launcher icon assets and previews
how an adaptive icon will look with different launcher screen icon masks.
Features of Instant
Apps, which are native Android apps that don’t require a user installer,
can be added to projects.
Custom and downloadable fonts using XML can be used for apps
targeting the Android
Oreo release (API level 26 or higher).
The app bug reporter in Android Emulator helps document bugs.
Android Emulator also supports the OpenGL ES 3.0 advanced graphics standard.
Templates in the New Project wizard and the New Module wizard
support the Android Things embedded device platform.
To optimize the size of APK files, the APK Analyzer has been
fitted with additional enhancements. Also, arbitrary APKs can be debugged.
Support was added for the JetBrains IntelliJ Idea 2017.1 IDE, with
capabilities such as Java 8 refactoring and enhanced version control search.
IntelliJ has been the basis for Android Studio.
Emulator system images for Android Oreo now include the Google
Play store, to enable testing of apps with Google Play.
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